Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up WhatsApp Automated Responses in 2024

Hans Brinkmann
July 29, 2024

1. Why Use WhatsApp Automated Responses?

1.1 Improving Response Time

Instant Communication

One of the primary reasons to use WhatsApp automated responses is to improve response time. Automated responses ensure that users receive immediate replies, regardless of the time of day. This is particularly valuable for businesses that operate outside regular hours or have high volumes of inquiries. An efficient WhatsApp automated response system can handle multiple inquiries simultaneously, providing prompt answers and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Consistency in Messaging

Another advantage of WhatsApp automated responses is maintaining consistency in communication. Automated replies ensure that every user receives the same information, reducing the risk of human error or variations in the message. This consistency helps in reinforcing the brand's message and ensures that all users have access to the same level of information.

1.2 Reducing Operational Costs

Minimizing Manual Efforts

WhatsApp automated responses can significantly reduce operational costs by minimizing the need for manual customer support. By automating routine inquiries and frequently asked questions, businesses can decrease the workload on their support staff. This allows human resources to focus on more complex tasks and improves overall efficiency.


Automated responses also provide scalability for businesses. As the volume of customer inquiries increases, an automated system can handle the additional load without requiring proportional increases in staff. This scalability makes WhatsApp automated responses a cost-effective solution for growing businesses.

2. Types of Automated Responses on WhatsApp

2.1 Instant Replies

Immediate Acknowledgment

Instant replies are a key feature of WhatsApp automated responses, designed to provide immediate acknowledgment of incoming messages. This type of automated response ensures that users know their message has been received and is being processed. It sets the expectation that they will receive a more detailed reply or resolution shortly.

Handling Common Queries

Instant replies are also useful for addressing common queries that do not require personalized responses. By pre-defining answers to frequently asked questions, businesses can use instant replies to provide users with quick, accurate information without the need for human intervention.

2.2 Away Messages

Managing Expectations

Away messages are an essential type of WhatsApp automated response used to manage user expectations when the business is not available. These messages inform users that the business is currently closed or unavailable and provide information on when they can expect a response. Away messages help in setting realistic expectations and reducing frustration among users.

Providing Alternative Contact Methods

In addition to managing expectations, away messages can also include alternative contact methods or information. For example, the message might direct users to email support or provide a phone number for urgent inquiries. This ensures that users still have options for reaching out, even when the main support channel is not available.

2.3 Greeting Messages

Welcoming New Users

Greeting messages are a type of WhatsApp automated response used to welcome new users or customers. These messages are sent automatically when a user first contacts the business or engages with its WhatsApp number. Greeting messages help in making a positive first impression and provide users with essential information about the business.

Encouraging Engagement

Greeting messages can also be designed to encourage further engagement. For example, they might include links to popular products, promotional offers, or a call-to-action for users to explore more about the business. This proactive approach helps in guiding users and enhancing their overall experience.

3. The Role of Automated Responses in Enhancing Business Communication

3.1 Streamlining Customer Service

Efficiency in Handling Inquiries

WhatsApp automated responses play a crucial role in streamlining customer service operations. By automating responses to common inquiries and routine tasks, businesses can handle a higher volume of customer interactions more efficiently. This automation ensures that users receive timely and accurate information, improving their overall experience.

Reducing Response Times

Automated responses help in significantly reducing response times. Users receive instant acknowledgment and answers to their questions, which can lead to higher satisfaction levels. This rapid response capability is particularly important in today’s fast-paced digital environment, where users expect quick and efficient service.

3.2 Enhancing Customer Experience

Personalization and Relevance

While WhatsApp automated responses are predefined, they can still be tailored to enhance the customer experience. By incorporating personalized elements, such as the user's name or specific details related to their inquiry, automated responses can make interactions feel more relevant and engaging. Personalization helps in creating a more positive and memorable user experience.

Proactive Communication

Automated responses also enable proactive communication with users. For example, businesses can use automated messages to follow up on previous interactions, remind users of upcoming appointments, or inform them about new products or services. This proactive approach helps in keeping users informed and engaged with the business.

3.3 Supporting Marketing Efforts

Promoting Products and Services

WhatsApp automated responses can be integrated into marketing efforts to promote products and services. Automated messages can include promotional offers, new product announcements, or special discounts. This integration helps in reaching users with relevant marketing content and driving engagement and conversions.

Gathering User Feedback

Automated responses can also be used to gather user feedback and insights. For instance, businesses can set up automated surveys or feedback requests to collect information on customer satisfaction and preferences. This feedback is valuable for making informed decisions and improving overall business strategies.

4. Setting Up Automated Responses on WhatsApp for Android

4.1 For WhatsApp Business

Step 1: Install or Update WhatsApp Business

To set up automated responses on a WhatsApp Business account, first, ensure you have the latest version of WhatsApp Business installed. Visit the Google Play Store, search for "WhatsApp Business," and install or update the app if necessary. Having the most recent version ensures you have access to the latest features and security updates.

Step 2: Access Business Settings

Open the WhatsApp Business app and navigate to the business settings. Tap on the three-dot menu icon in the top-right corner of the screen, and select "Business tools" from the dropdown menu. This section contains various settings related to business operations, including automated responses.

Step 3: Navigate to Away Message Settings

In the Business tools menu, find and select "Away message." This option allows you to configure automatic replies for times when you are not available to respond manually. Tap on "Away message" to proceed with setting up your automated response.

Step 4: Create Your Auto-Reply Message

Compose the message you want to send automatically when you're away. The message should be clear and informative, providing users with relevant information about your availability and any alternative contact methods. For example, you could write, "Thank you for reaching out. Our office is currently closed. We will get back to you during business hours."

Step 5: Set the Time Frame

Define the time frame during which the automated responses will be sent. You can set specific hours or choose to activate the automated response outside of your business hours. This feature helps ensure that users receive timely updates based on your availability.

Step 6: Save Your Settings

After configuring the message and time frame, save your settings by tapping the "Save" or "Done" button. Your WhatsApp Business account will now automatically send the predefined message during the specified hours.

4.2 For Standard WhatsApp

Step 1: Install or Update WhatsApp

If you're using the standard version of WhatsApp and wish to set up automated responses, start by ensuring you have the latest version of the app. Go to the Google Play Store, search for "WhatsApp," and install or update the app as needed.

Step 2: Access Auto-Reply Settings

Standard WhatsApp does not have built-in support for automated responses. However, you can use third-party apps to achieve similar functionality. For now, let’s assume you’re using such an app for automation. Open the app and find the settings for auto-replies.

Step 3: Navigate to Away Message Settings

Within the third-party app, locate the section for away messages or auto-replies. This is where you will configure the automated responses. The interface might differ depending on the app you choose, but the concept remains the same.

Step 4: Create Your Auto-Reply Message

Compose your auto-reply message in the designated area. Similar to WhatsApp Business, ensure your message is clear and provides useful information. For example, "We received your message. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible."

Step 5: Set the Time Frame

Set the time frame during which the automated messages will be active. Most third-party apps will allow you to define specific hours or trigger responses based on user activity. Configure these settings to align with your availability.

Step 6: Save Your Settings

Finalize your setup by saving the configuration. This will activate the automated responses according to the time frame you specified.

5. Using Third-Party Apps for Automated Responses

Explore Third-Party Apps

Third-party apps provide additional functionalities for setting up automated responses on WhatsApp that are not available in the standard app. Popular options include tools like AutoResponder for WhatsApp, WhatsAuto, and others. Research and select an app that suits your needs and preferences.

Open Third-Party App

Download and install your chosen third-party app from the Google Play Store. Once installed, open the app and grant it the necessary permissions to access your WhatsApp messages. This is crucial for the app to function properly and manage automated responses.

Configure Auto-Reply Settings

Navigate to the auto-reply settings within the third-party app. Set up your automated response messages by entering the text you want to be sent automatically. Many apps allow you to customize responses based on specific keywords or message content, enhancing the flexibility of your automated replies.

Test the Auto-Replies

Before fully deploying your automated responses, test them to ensure they work as expected. Send test messages to your WhatsApp number and verify that the auto-replies are triggered correctly. This step helps in identifying and resolving any issues before going live.

Adjust Settings as Needed

Based on your testing, make any necessary adjustments to the auto-reply settings. This might include tweaking the message content, modifying the time frame, or adjusting response triggers. Regularly review and update these settings to maintain optimal performance and relevance.

6. Setting Up Automated Responses on WhatsApp for iOS

Step 1: Download and Install WhatsApp Business

To set up automated responses on iOS, begin by ensuring that you have WhatsApp Business installed. Visit the App Store, search for "WhatsApp Business," and download or update the app if necessary. Having the latest version is crucial for accessing the most recent features and security updates for managing your WhatsApp automated responses.

Step 2: Access Auto-Replies Settings

Open WhatsApp Business on your iOS device and navigate to the settings menu. Tap on the gear icon located in the bottom-right corner to access settings. From there, go to "Business Tools" and select "Away Message." This section allows you to configure your WhatsApp automated responses for times when you're unavailable.

Step 3: Set Up Away Messages

To set up your away messages, tap on "Away Message" under the Business Tools menu. This option lets you create and manage automated responses that will be sent when you are not actively using the WhatsApp Business account.

Step 4: Customise Auto-Reply Messages

  • Create a New Away Message: Tap on "Create New" to start drafting your automated response. The message should be clear and convey important information to the sender about your availability or the next steps. For instance, you could write, “Thank you for contacting us. We are currently out of the office and will get back to you during our business hours.”
  • Set the Time Range: Specify the time range during which the automated responses will be active. You can set this to cover your non-business hours or any other periods when you are unavailable. Ensure that the time range reflects your actual availability to avoid any confusion.
  • Compose the Auto-Reply Message: Write a concise and informative message. Ensure it includes details such as your business hours, alternative contact methods, or expected response times. A well-composed message helps manage user expectations and maintains professionalism.

Step 5: Save and Activate

Once you've composed and reviewed your auto-reply message, save your settings by tapping "Save" or "Done." This action activates the WhatsApp automated response, ensuring that your away messages are sent during the specified time frame.

Step 6: Test Your Auto-Replies

To confirm that your automated responses are working correctly, send a test message to your WhatsApp Business account. Verify that the auto-reply message is triggered as expected. Testing helps identify any issues and ensures that the setup meets your needs.

7. Additional Methods for Automated Responses on WhatsApp for iOS

Do Not Disturb While Driving

The iOS operating system offers a “Do Not Disturb While Driving” feature that can be used creatively to set automated responses. This feature automatically sends a message to contacts when you are driving, indicating that you cannot respond at the moment. While it’s not a dedicated WhatsApp automated response feature, it can serve a similar purpose during certain situations.

Creating Custom Siri Shortcuts

You can use Siri Shortcuts to create custom automated responses for WhatsApp. By setting up a shortcut, you can automate certain responses based on triggers or commands. For instance, you can create a shortcut that sends an auto-reply message when activated, providing an additional layer of automation beyond the built-in WhatsApp Business features.

8. Customising Automated Response Messages

8.1 Importance of Personalised Auto-Reply Messages

Personalizing your WhatsApp automated responses is essential for maintaining a professional image and improving user experience. A personalized message can make the interaction feel more engaging and relevant to the sender. Tailoring your auto-replies to reflect your brand’s tone and include specific information related to the sender’s inquiry enhances the overall communication effectiveness.

8.2 Tips for Creating Polite and Informative Auto-Replies

Craft Clear and Professional Messages

Ensure that your auto-reply messages are clear and convey the necessary information effectively. Avoid overly complex language or jargon that might confuse the recipient. A professional tone helps maintain the credibility of your WhatsApp Business account.

Include Relevant Information

In your automated responses, provide all necessary information such as your business hours, expected response times, or alternative contact methods. This transparency helps set the right expectations and reduces the need for follow-up inquiries.

Update Regularly

Regularly review and update your auto-reply messages to keep them current. Changes in business hours, contact information, or other relevant details should be promptly reflected in your automated responses. Regular updates ensure that your messages remain accurate and useful.

Monitor User Feedback

Pay attention to feedback from users regarding your automated responses. If you notice recurring questions or concerns, consider updating your messages to address these issues more effectively. User feedback provides valuable insights for improving your WhatsApp automated responses.

9. Best Practices for Using Automated Responses Responsibly

9.1 Setting Expectations

Clarity in Messages

When setting up WhatsApp automated responses, clarity is crucial. Ensure that your automated messages are straightforward and easy to understand. Avoid jargon or complex language that could confuse recipients. The purpose of an automated response is to provide clear and immediate feedback to users, so your messages should convey relevant information efficiently. For example, if your automated response indicates that your office is closed, include specific details about when users can expect a reply.

Consistency in Response Time

Maintaining consistency in your automated response times is essential for setting accurate expectations. If your WhatsApp automated response indicates that you'll reply within a certain timeframe, make sure this commitment aligns with your actual response capabilities. Inconsistent response times can frustrate users and diminish the effectiveness of your automated responses. Always adjust your automated message settings to match your real-time availability and response capabilities.

9.2 Following Up Responsibly

Respond Promptly Upon Availability

Once you’re available again, ensure that you follow up promptly with any contacts who received an automated response. Delayed follow-ups can negate the benefits of having an automated system in place. Prompt responses show that you value the communication and are committed to addressing the sender’s needs. This follow-up helps maintain a positive user experience and reinforces the effectiveness of your WhatsApp automated response system.

Apologise for Delay (If Necessary)

If there was an unforeseen delay or issue that affected the timing of your response, include a brief apology in your follow-up message. Acknowledging delays and expressing regret for any inconvenience shows professionalism and respect for the user’s time. For instance, a follow-up message could start with, "We apologize for the delay in getting back to you and appreciate your patience."

9.3 Addressing Potential Issues

Misinterpretation of Auto-Reply

One challenge with WhatsApp automated responses is the potential for misinterpretation. Users might misunderstand the automated message or its implications. To address this, ensure your automated responses are crafted to minimize ambiguity. If a message might be interpreted in multiple ways, consider rephrasing it to be more specific and less open to misinterpretation. For example, clearly state whether the message is a general notification or a direct response to the user’s inquiry.

Unforeseen Delays

Unforeseen delays can occur despite best efforts. To mitigate the impact, ensure that your WhatsApp automated responses include information about how users can get immediate assistance if needed. Providing an alternative contact method or mentioning emergency procedures can help manage expectations and prevent frustration in cases where delays are unavoidable.

Lack of Flexibility

Automated responses can sometimes lack the flexibility to handle unique situations. To address this issue, regularly review and update your automated messages based on user feedback and changing circumstances. Consider incorporating options in your automated responses that allow users to request immediate assistance or speak to a live representative if needed. This flexibility can enhance the user experience and improve overall satisfaction with your WhatsApp automated response system.

9.4 Mitigation Strategies

Regular Review and Updates

Regularly review and update your WhatsApp automated responses to ensure they remain relevant and effective. Periodic assessments help identify any issues or areas for improvement. Updating your messages based on user feedback and changes in your business operations ensures that your automated responses continue to meet the needs of your audience.

Feedback Mechanism

Implement a feedback mechanism within your automated responses to collect user input. This can be a simple prompt asking users to rate their experience or provide comments. Gathering feedback helps identify common issues and areas where your automated responses might need adjustments. Use this information to refine your automated messages and enhance their effectiveness.

Testing and Optimization

Continuously test and optimize your WhatsApp automated responses to ensure they function as intended. Conduct regular tests to verify that messages are triggered correctly and that they provide the intended information. Optimization involves making adjustments based on performance metrics and user feedback to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of your automated responses.

10. Advanced Features of WhatsApp Automated Responses

Integration with CRM Systems

Integrating WhatsApp automated responses with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems enhances their functionality. This integration allows for seamless data transfer between WhatsApp and your CRM, enabling more personalized and context-aware automated responses. For instance, CRM data can be used to tailor automated messages based on user history or specific preferences, improving the relevance and effectiveness of your communications.

Analytics and Reporting

Advanced WhatsApp automated response systems often include analytics and reporting features. These tools provide insights into how well your automated messages are performing, including metrics such as response rates, user interactions, and message effectiveness. Analyzing these metrics helps you understand the impact of your automated responses and identify areas for improvement. Regularly review these reports to refine your strategy and enhance the overall performance of your automated messaging system.

Multi-language Support

For businesses operating in diverse regions, multi-language support in WhatsApp automated responses is essential. This feature allows you to create automated messages in multiple languages, ensuring that users receive relevant information in their preferred language. Implementing multi-language support enhances user experience by providing clear and accessible communication to a broader audience. Ensure that automated responses are accurately translated and culturally appropriate for each language to maintain effectiveness and professionalism.

11. Use Cases: How Can You Leverage Krispy’s WhatsApp Chatbot for Automated Responses?

11.1 Personalised Marketing Promotions

Targeted Campaigns

A WhatsApp automated response via Krispy’s chatbot can enhance personalized marketing efforts by delivering targeted promotions to specific customer segments. By integrating with customer data, the chatbot can send tailored messages based on user preferences, past interactions, or purchase history. For instance, if a customer frequently buys skincare products, the automated response can include promotions for new skincare lines or special discounts.

Time-sensitive Offers

Krispy’s WhatsApp chatbot can schedule and deliver time-sensitive offers, ensuring that promotions reach customers at optimal times. Automated responses can include reminders for limited-time sales or flash deals, encouraging timely action and increasing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. By automating these processes, businesses can maintain consistent engagement without manual intervention.

11.2 Event Notifications and Invitations

Automated Event Reminders

Krispy’s WhatsApp chatbot can manage event notifications efficiently through automated responses. By sending reminders about upcoming events or deadlines, the chatbot helps ensure that participants stay informed. For example, the chatbot can automatically send reminders about webinars, workshops, or product launches, reducing the risk of missed events and enhancing attendance.

Streamlined Invitation Process

For businesses hosting events, Krispy’s WhatsApp chatbot can handle the entire invitation process. Automated responses can include event details, RSVP options, and follow-up confirmations. This streamlines the invitation process and reduces the workload on event organizers, making it easier to manage guest lists and track responses.

11.3 Proactive Customer Engagement

Immediate Acknowledgment

Proactive customer engagement is facilitated by Krispy’s WhatsApp chatbot through instant automated responses. When a customer reaches out, the chatbot can immediately acknowledge their message and provide initial assistance or information. This ensures that customers feel valued and receive timely responses, even if a live representative is not immediately available.

Contextual Interaction

The chatbot can use contextual information to engage customers based on their previous interactions. For instance, if a customer has inquired about a product in the past, the automated response can include relevant updates or promotions related to that product. This personalized approach enhances the relevance of interactions and fosters stronger customer relationships.

11.4 Customer Feedback and Surveys

Automated Survey Distribution

Krispy’s WhatsApp chatbot can automate the distribution of customer feedback surveys. After a transaction or interaction, the chatbot can send out a survey link or ask for immediate feedback through automated responses. This approach simplifies the feedback collection process and provides businesses with valuable insights into customer satisfaction and areas for improvement.

Real-time Feedback Collection

Automated responses can facilitate real-time feedback collection, allowing businesses to address issues promptly. By automating the feedback process, businesses can quickly identify and respond to customer concerns, improving overall service quality and customer satisfaction.

11.5 Product Recommendations

Personalized Suggestions

Krispy’s WhatsApp chatbot can deliver personalized product recommendations based on customer preferences and past purchases. Automated responses can suggest related products or new arrivals that align with the customer’s interests, enhancing the shopping experience and increasing the likelihood of additional sales.

Dynamic Recommendations

The chatbot can provide dynamic recommendations that adjust in real-time based on user interactions. For example, if a customer frequently browses certain categories, the automated response can highlight relevant products or promotions in those categories. This targeted approach improves the relevance of recommendations and enhances the overall customer experience.

11.6 Educational Content Delivery

Automated Content Distribution

Krispy’s WhatsApp chatbot can automate the delivery of educational content to users. Whether it’s tutorials, how-to guides, or industry updates, the chatbot can send relevant educational materials based on user interests or queries. This automation ensures that users receive valuable content without manual effort from the business.

Interactive Learning

The chatbot can engage users in interactive learning experiences by delivering content in a conversational format. For example, users can ask questions and receive detailed responses or follow step-by-step guides through automated responses. This interactive approach enhances the learning experience and makes educational content more accessible.

12. Embracing Automated Responses: Efficient Communication in the Digital Age

Streamlining Communication

Automated responses via WhatsApp streamline communication by providing instant replies to common inquiries. This efficiency reduces the time required to handle routine questions and allows businesses to focus on more complex tasks. By implementing WhatsApp automated responses, businesses can ensure that customers receive timely information and assistance, improving overall communication efficiency.

Enhancing Customer Experience

The use of WhatsApp automated responses enhances the customer experience by providing immediate and relevant information. Automated responses help manage customer expectations and reduce wait times, leading to higher satisfaction levels. By offering consistent and accurate replies, businesses can create a more positive and engaging experience for their customers.

Reducing Operational Costs

Automated responses help reduce operational costs by minimizing the need for manual intervention. With an effective WhatsApp automated response system in place, businesses can handle a higher volume of inquiries without additional staffing. This cost-saving benefit allows businesses to allocate resources more effectively and improve their overall operational efficiency.

Adapting to Customer Preferences

In the digital age, customers expect quick and efficient responses. WhatsApp automated responses cater to these preferences by providing instant feedback and support. By adopting automated messaging solutions, businesses can align with customer expectations and remain competitive in a fast-paced digital landscape.

Supporting Business Growth

As businesses grow, managing customer interactions can become more challenging. WhatsApp automated responses support business growth by handling a larger volume of inquiries efficiently. This scalability ensures that businesses can continue to provide high-quality service as their customer base expands, supporting long-term success and sustainability.


What are the benefits of using auto-replies on WhatsApp?

Auto-replies on WhatsApp provide instant responses to customer inquiries, improving response times and customer satisfaction. They help manage high volumes of messages efficiently and ensure that users receive timely information even outside business hours.

How do auto-replies enhance communication between businesses and customers?

Auto-replies enhance communication by providing immediate feedback and relevant information. This reduces wait times and ensures that customers receive consistent and accurate responses, improving overall communication effectiveness.

What are the steps to set up auto-replies on WhatsApp for Android?

To set up auto-replies on WhatsApp for Android, install or update WhatsApp Business, access Business Settings, navigate to Away Message Settings, create your auto-reply message, set the time frame, and save your settings.

How can third-party apps be used to set up auto-replies on WhatsApp?

Third-party apps can be used to set up auto-replies on WhatsApp by exploring app options, opening the chosen app, configuring auto-reply settings, testing the auto-replies, and adjusting settings as needed to ensure proper functionality.

What are the steps to set up auto-replies on WhatsApp for iOS using WhatsApp Business?

To set up auto-replies on WhatsApp for iOS using WhatsApp Business, download and install WhatsApp Business, access auto-replies settings, set up away messages, customize auto-reply messages, save and activate, and test your auto-replies.

How can iOS users create auto-replies using built-in features or Siri Shortcuts?

iOS users can create auto-replies using built-in features by setting up Do Not Disturb while driving or using Siri Shortcuts to automate responses based on specific triggers or events.

Why is it important to personalise auto-reply messages?

Personalizing auto-reply messages is important because it makes the communication more relevant and engaging for the recipient. It enhances the user experience by addressing specific needs and preferences, which can lead to higher satisfaction and better engagement.

How can you use auto-replies responsibly to maintain effective communication?

To use auto-replies responsibly, set clear expectations about response times, follow up promptly when available, address potential issues like misinterpretation or delays, and regularly review and update automated messages based on feedback and performance.

What are some use cases for leveraging Krispy’s WhatsApp chatbot?

Some use cases for Krispy’s WhatsApp chatbot include personalized marketing promotions, event notifications and invitations, proactive customer engagement, customer feedback and surveys, product recommendations, and educational content delivery.