How to Create a WhatsApp Broadcast List: A Quick Guide (2024)

Hans Brinkmann
July 29, 2024

1. What is a WhatsApp Broadcast?

Definition and Purpose

A WhatsApp broadcast is a feature that allows users to send messages to multiple recipients simultaneously without them being part of a group chat. Unlike WhatsApp groups, where all members can see each other’s replies and interact with one another, a broadcast list ensures that only the sender's messages are visible to the recipients. Each recipient receives the broadcast message individually, and their responses are sent only to the sender.

Comparison to Group Chats

WhatsApp broadcasts differ from group chats in that recipients do not see who else received the message, nor can they communicate with each other. This feature is particularly useful for businesses and individuals who wish to maintain a level of privacy and avoid clutter in conversations.

2. How to Create a WhatsApp Broadcast List

#1 Adding Contacts to an Excel Sheet

Organizing Your Contacts

To effectively manage your WhatsApp broadcast list, it is beneficial to start by organizing your contacts in an Excel sheet. Create columns for contact names and phone numbers to keep your list structured. This method allows for easy importation and management of contact information.

Importing Contacts

Once your contacts are organized, you can import them into your phone’s address book. Most smartphones allow you to import contacts from Excel or CSV files, which can then be synchronized with WhatsApp. This step is crucial for creating a comprehensive and updated broadcast list.

#2 Building Your Contact List

Gathering Contacts

Building a contact list for a WhatsApp newsletter involves collecting phone numbers from your audience or customer base. Use signup forms, surveys, or direct interactions to obtain these numbers, ensuring that you have permission to send them broadcast messages.

Maintaining the List

Regularly update your contact list to remove inactive numbers and add new ones. This maintenance ensures that your WhatsApp newsletter reaches the intended audience and remains effective over time.

3. Limitations of WhatsApp Broadcast with the WhatsApp Business App

3.1 Broadcast Limitations

Number of Recipients

WhatsApp imposes a limit on the number of recipients per broadcast list. In the WhatsApp Business app, you can send broadcast messages to a maximum of 256 contacts at once. For larger audiences, you may need to create multiple broadcast lists.

Frequency of Use

The frequency with which you can send broadcast messages may also be restricted. Excessive messaging could result in your account being flagged for spam, which could limit your ability to use the broadcast feature effectively.

3.2 Need to Save Contacts

Requirement for Saving Numbers

To use the WhatsApp broadcast feature, all recipients must have saved your phone number in their contact list. This requirement can be a significant barrier for businesses trying to reach new or potential customers who have not yet saved their number.

Building a Relationship

Encouraging recipients to save your number can involve initial engagement strategies, such as providing valuable content or incentives. This step is necessary to build a relationship and ensure that your messages reach their intended audience.

3.3 Limited Interactivity

One-Way Communication

WhatsApp broadcasts support only one-way communication. Recipients cannot reply to the broadcast message directly, which limits engagement. This restriction is different from group chats or individual messages where two-way communication is possible.

Impact on Engagement

The lack of interactivity can affect the effectiveness of your WhatsApp newsletter if engagement and feedback are essential to your strategy. Consider using other methods, such as direct messages or other communication channels, to foster interaction.

3.4 Content and Formatting Restrictions

Message Formatting

WhatsApp has limitations on message formatting within broadcast messages. Unlike some other platforms, you cannot use advanced formatting options such as rich text, HTML, or embedded media extensively in broadcast messages.

Content Limitations

Broadcast messages are also subject to character limits and cannot include extensive multimedia content. For rich media needs, you might need to use other tools or platforms in conjunction with WhatsApp to deliver more engaging content.

4. Limitations of WhatsApp Broadcast with the WhatsApp Business App

4.5 Risk of Spam Labeling

Potential for Spam Flags

When using WhatsApp for broadcasting messages, there is a risk of your content being flagged as spam. If recipients mark your WhatsApp newsletter as spam or if your messages are too frequent, WhatsApp’s algorithms might classify your account as a spammer.

Impact on Account Status

Spam labeling can severely impact your account's ability to send broadcast messages and may even lead to temporary or permanent suspension. Maintaining good practices, such as avoiding excessive messaging and ensuring relevant content, is crucial to mitigate this risk

4.6 No Scheduling Option

Absence of Scheduling Feature

The WhatsApp Business app does not offer a built-in feature for scheduling broadcast messages. This limitation means that you cannot set specific times for your WhatsApp newsletter to be sent out automatically.

Manual Sending Requirement

Without scheduling options, you must manually send each broadcast message at the desired time. This requirement can be time-consuming and may limit your ability to target messages at optimal times for your audience.

4.7 Lack of Analytics

No Built-in Analytics Tools

The WhatsApp Business app lacks comprehensive analytics tools for broadcast messages. There are no built-in metrics to track the performance of your WhatsApp newsletter, such as open rates or engagement levels.

Alternative Solutions

To overcome this limitation, you may need to use third-party tools or software that integrate with WhatsApp to gain insights into your broadcast performance. These tools can provide data on delivery rates, read receipts, and engagement, helping you refine your WhatsApp newsletter strategy.

4. 8. Adherence to WhatsApp Policies

Compliance with Policies

WhatsApp has strict policies regarding the use of broadcast messages. Ensuring compliance with these guidelines is essential to avoid penalties or account restrictions. The policies are designed to prevent spam and misuse of the broadcast feature.

Best Practices for Compliance

Adhering to WhatsApp’s policies involves sending relevant content only to contacts who have opted in to receive messages. Regularly review WhatsApp’s terms of service to ensure that your WhatsApp newsletter practices remain within acceptable boundaries.

5. Features of WhatsApp Broadcast with the WhatsApp Business App

5.1 Personalized Messaging at Scale

Tailored Content

Despite the limitations, WhatsApp broadcast lists allow for personalized messaging at scale. You can address recipients by their names and tailor messages to fit different segments of your audience, making the communication more relevant and engaging.


The ability to send personalized messages to multiple contacts simultaneously helps businesses and individuals manage large-scale communications efficiently. This feature is particularly valuable for sending updates, promotions, or important notifications through your WhatsApp newsletter.

5.2 Efficient Reach with Broadcast Lists

Reaching Multiple Contacts

Broadcast lists enable efficient reach to multiple contacts at once without creating a group chat. This functionality ensures that your WhatsApp newsletter can be delivered to a broad audience while maintaining a one-on-one communication experience.

Managing Multiple Lists

You can create multiple broadcast lists to target different segments of your audience with specific content. This segmentation enhances the relevance of your messages and allows for more effective communication strategies.

5.3 Complying with Broadcast Limits

Understanding Broadcast Limits

While there are limitations on the number of recipients per broadcast list (256 contacts), understanding and managing these limits is crucial. You can create multiple lists to overcome this restriction and reach a larger audience.

Strategic List Management

Efficient management of broadcast lists involves regularly updating them to ensure that they are relevant and effective. By segmenting your audience and adhering to broadcast limits, you can optimize the delivery and impact of your WhatsApp newsletter.

5.4 Enhanced Privacy and Engagement

Privacy Benefits

Using WhatsApp broadcast lists ensures that recipients’ contact information remains private. Unlike group chats, recipients cannot see each other's phone numbers or replies, which maintains a level of privacy and reduces the risk of privacy breaches.

Increased Engagement

The personalized nature of WhatsApp broadcasts, combined with the privacy feature, can lead to higher engagement rates. Recipients are more likely to appreciate the tailored content and the private delivery method of your WhatsApp newsletter, leading to better interaction and response rates.

6. Features of WhatsApp Broadcast with the WhatsApp Business App

6.5 Effective Message Tracking

Limited Tracking Capabilities

WhatsApp Broadcast features offer limited tracking capabilities. You can see whether messages have been delivered and read by recipients, but more detailed analytics such as open rates or click-through rates are not available within the app.

Workarounds for Tracking

To track the effectiveness of your WhatsApp broadcast messages, you may need to use external tools or integrate with other platforms that provide detailed analytics. These tools can help measure engagement and improve your broadcast strategy.

6.6 Better Customer Relationship Management

Personal Touch in Communication

Using WhatsApp broadcast lists helps maintain a personal touch in communication with a large audience. Personalized messages can enhance customer relationship management by addressing recipients individually while managing bulk communication.

Building Relationships

The personal nature of WhatsApp broadcasts supports better customer relationships. Consistent, relevant messaging through your WhatsApp newsletter can build trust and loyalty among your audience, leading to improved customer satisfaction and retention.

6.7 Easy Organization with Labels

Using Labels for Organization

The WhatsApp Business app allows you to organize your contacts using labels. Labels help categorize contacts into different groups, making it easier to manage and target specific segments of your audience with relevant broadcast messages.

Benefits of Labeling

Effective use of labels in WhatsApp broadcasts can streamline your communication process. By applying labels based on customer behavior or preferences, you can send more targeted and relevant messages, improving the effectiveness of your WhatsApp newsletter.

6.8 Policy Compliance

Adhering to WhatsApp’s Guidelines

Compliance with WhatsApp’s policies is essential when using the broadcast feature. These guidelines ensure that your broadcast messages are not flagged as spam and that you maintain good standing with the platform.

Best Practices for Compliance

Follow best practices for compliance, such as obtaining consent from recipients and providing an option to opt-out of future messages. Regularly review WhatsApp’s policies to ensure your WhatsApp newsletter adheres to all relevant guidelines and standards.

7. When to Consider Alternatives to WhatsApp Broadcast

High Volume Communication

If your communication needs exceed the limitations of WhatsApp broadcast lists, such as handling very large volumes of messages or needing advanced features, it may be time to consider alternatives. WhatsApp broadcasts are limited to 256 recipients per list, which may not be sufficient for larger audiences.

Enhanced Features Required

When your needs include features like advanced analytics, automated scheduling, or extensive content formatting, alternatives to WhatsApp broadcast may offer the functionalities you require. Evaluating other platforms or tools that better meet these needs can enhance your communication strategy.

Interactivity and Engagement

For communication strategies that require more interactivity, such as two-way conversations or interactive content, WhatsApp broadcast might not be the ideal solution. Alternatives that support higher levels of engagement can provide better results for interactive campaigns.

8. Exploring Alternatives to WhatsApp Broadcast

Email Marketing

Features and Benefits

Email marketing platforms offer extensive features such as detailed analytics, automated scheduling, and advanced content formatting. These tools are well-suited for managing large-scale communications and can provide a higher level of engagement and tracking compared to WhatsApp broadcast.


Email marketing is ideal for long-form content, promotional campaigns, and newsletters that require rich media and comprehensive tracking. It allows for greater customization and targeting, making it a strong alternative to WhatsApp broadcasts for certain communication needs.

SMS Marketing

Features and Benefits

SMS marketing offers high open rates and immediate delivery, making it effective for urgent or time-sensitive messages. Unlike WhatsApp broadcasts, SMS does not require recipients to save your number, which can be advantageous for reaching a wider audience.


SMS marketing is suitable for short, concise messages and is effective for direct, immediate communication. It is often used in conjunction with other channels to reach audiences who may not be as engaged on WhatsApp.

Chatbots and Automation Tools

Features and Benefits

Chatbots and automation tools provide interactive features and can handle complex queries and responses. These tools can be integrated with various messaging platforms, including WhatsApp, to offer more sophisticated communication solutions.


For businesses requiring automated responses, customer service integration, or interactive experiences, chatbots and automation tools offer advanced functionality that goes beyond the capabilities of WhatsApp broadcasts.

9. How to Broadcast Messages on WhatsApp

9.1 Creating a Broadcast List

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Open WhatsApp Business App: Start by opening the WhatsApp Business app on your phone.
  2. Access Broadcast Lists: Tap on the three dots in the upper-right corner of the screen and select “New broadcast” from the menu.
  3. Select Contacts: Choose the contacts you want to add to the broadcast list. Remember, these contacts must have saved your number in their address book.
  4. Create List: After selecting the contacts, tap “Create” to form the new broadcast list.

9.2 Sending a Broadcast Message

Composing and Sending

  1. Open Broadcast List: Select the broadcast list you’ve created from your chat screen.
  2. Compose Message: Type your message in the chat box. You can include text, images, or documents, but keep in mind the formatting limitations.
  3. Send Message: Tap the send button to deliver the message to all recipients on the list.

9.3 Managing Broadcast Lists

Editing and Deleting Lists

  1. Edit List: To edit a broadcast list, go to the list’s information page and select “Edit list.” You can add or remove contacts as needed.
  2. Delete List: To delete a broadcast list, open the list, tap the three dots, and select “Delete broadcast list.” Confirm the deletion to remove the list from your account.

10. Applying for the WhatsApp Official API with Krispy

Overview of the Official API

The WhatsApp Official API allows businesses to integrate WhatsApp messaging into their systems for advanced communication capabilities. Applying for this API with Krispy provides access to features such as automated responses, detailed analytics, and higher message limits.

Steps to Apply with Krispy

  1. Submit an Application: Contact Krispy to begin the application process for the WhatsApp Official API. Provide details about your business and intended use of the API.
  2. Verification and Approval: Krispy will assist in the verification of your business and facilitate the approval process. This involves confirming your business identity and ensuring compliance with WhatsApp’s policies.

11. Unlocking the Power of WhatsApp Broadcasts with Krispy: Transforming Business Communication

Advanced Features with Krispy

Krispy enhances WhatsApp broadcasts by integrating advanced features like automated message scheduling, detailed analytics, and CRM integration. These tools help businesses maximize the impact of their WhatsApp newsletters and streamline communication processes.

Transformative Business Communication

Utilizing Krispy’s solutions for WhatsApp broadcasts transforms business communication by providing deeper insights into message performance and automating repetitive tasks. This approach helps businesses improve engagement and maintain a consistent communication strategy.

12. Comparing WhatsApp Broadcasts with Other Messaging Solutions

12.1 Comparison with SMS Marketing

Features and Limitations

WhatsApp broadcasts and SMS marketing both offer direct communication with recipients. However, SMS marketing generally provides higher deliverability rates and does not require recipients to save your number. WhatsApp broadcasts offer richer media capabilities and better privacy.

Suitability for Businesses

For businesses needing multimedia content and interactive features, WhatsApp broadcasts are more suitable. SMS marketing might be preferred for straightforward, time-sensitive messages with high open rates.

12.2 Comparison with Email Marketing

Features and Limitations

Email marketing provides extensive formatting options and detailed analytics, which WhatsApp broadcasts lack. However, WhatsApp broadcasts offer immediate delivery and higher engagement rates due to the personal nature of the messages.

Suitability for Businesses

Email marketing is better for detailed content and tracking, while WhatsApp broadcasts excel in real-time communication and personal interaction. Combining both can create a robust communication strategy.

13. Integrating WhatsApp Broadcasts with CRM Systems

Benefits of Integration

Integrating WhatsApp broadcasts with CRM systems allows for seamless communication management. It enables personalized messaging based on customer data, automated responses, and better tracking of customer interactions.

Implementation Steps

  1. Choose Integration Tools: Select CRM tools that support integration with WhatsApp broadcasts. Ensure compatibility with your existing CRM system.
  2. Configure Integration: Set up the integration to synchronize contact data and messaging workflows between WhatsApp and your CRM. This setup helps automate and optimize communication processes.

14. Best Practices for Using WhatsApp Broadcasts

14.1 Maintaining Privacy and Compliance

Privacy Considerations

Ensure that you only send WhatsApp broadcasts to contacts who have opted in to receive messages. This practice helps maintain privacy and compliance with WhatsApp’s policies.

Content Relevance

Keep your WhatsApp newsletter content relevant and engaging to your audience. Personalize messages where possible and avoid sending too frequently to prevent being flagged as spam.

14.2 Monitoring and Optimization

Tracking Performance

Regularly monitor the performance of your WhatsApp broadcasts by checking delivery and read receipts. Use this data to adjust your messaging strategy and improve engagement.

Optimizing Strategies

Continuously refine your broadcast lists and messaging content based on feedback and performance metrics. Optimization helps in achieving better results and maintaining effective communication.


What is a WhatsApp Broadcast List?

A WhatsApp broadcast list is a feature that allows you to send messages to multiple recipients at once without creating a group. Each recipient receives the message individually, and replies are sent only to the sender.

How Do I Create a Broadcast List on WhatsApp?

To create a broadcast list, open WhatsApp, tap the three dots menu, select “New broadcast,” choose your contacts, and then tap “Create” to finalize the list.

What is the WhatsApp Broadcast Limit?

The WhatsApp broadcast limit is 256 contacts per list. If you need to reach more people, you’ll have to create multiple broadcast lists.

How Does a Broadcast List Differ from a WhatsApp Group?

In a broadcast list, recipients receive messages individually and cannot see other recipients or reply to each other, while in a group, all members can interact with one another.

Can I See Who Received My Broadcast Message?

You can see whether your broadcast message has been delivered and read, but you cannot see the list of recipients who received your message.

Are Broadcast Messages Delivered to Everyone in My List?

Broadcast messages are delivered to everyone in your list as long as they have saved your number in their contacts. If they haven’t saved your number, they won’t receive the message.

Can I Schedule WhatsApp Broadcast Messages?

WhatsApp does not offer a built-in scheduling feature for broadcast messages. You will need to send messages manually or use third-party tools for scheduling.

How Can I Effectively Use WhatsApp Broadcasts for My Business?

To effectively use WhatsApp broadcasts for your business, ensure your messages are personalized, relevant, and sent to contacts who have opted in. Use segmentation and regularly review message performance to optimize your strategy.