How to send WhatsApp newsletters in 2024

Hans Brinkmann
July 24, 2024

How to Send WhatsApp Newsletters in 2024


In today's digital landscape, businesses must continuously seek new and effective ways to engage with their audience.

WhatsApp has become a significant player in this field, especially as it continues to grow in popularity.

One of the innovative ways businesses are utilizing WhatsApp is through WhatsApp newsletters.

This guide is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of how to send WhatsApp newsletters effectively, exploring their definition, appeal, benefits, and interactive features.

By following this guide, you will gain a clear understanding of how to leverage WhatsApp newsletters for your business.

What is a WhatsApp Newsletter?

A WhatsApp newsletter is a form of communication delivered via WhatsApp to keep subscribers informed about a business’s latest updates, promotions, and other relevant information.

Unlike traditional email newsletters, which are sent to email addresses, WhatsApp newsletters are sent as messages directly through the WhatsApp application.

WhatsApp newsletters can contain various types of content, including text, images, videos, and links.

They are designed to be engaging and interactive, making use of the unique features of WhatsApp to connect with subscribers more personally.

Subscribers must opt-in to receive WhatsApp newsletters, ensuring that the messages are relevant to their interests and preferences.

The Appeal of a WhatsApp Business Newsletter

WhatsApp newsletters offer a distinct set of advantages over other communication methods.

Here are some key reasons businesses find WhatsApp newsletters appealing:

  1. Direct Communication: WhatsApp messages are delivered directly to users’ phones, ensuring that they are received in a personal and immediate manner.
  2. Higher Read Rates: Messages sent via WhatsApp generally have higher read rates compared to emails.
  3. Enhanced Personalization: WhatsApp allows for a more personalized touch in communication.
  4. Real-Time Delivery: WhatsApp’s instant messaging capability ensures that newsletters are delivered in real time.
  5. Multimedia Integration: WhatsApp supports various media formats, including images, videos, and voice messages.

The Benefits of Sending Newsletters via WhatsApp

WhatsApp is the Most Popular Messaging App in the World

WhatsApp's extensive user base is one of the primary reasons businesses are adopting it for newsletters.

As of 2024, WhatsApp boasts over 2 billion active users globally, making it the most popular messaging app in the world.

The platform’s popularity extends beyond individual users to include businesses and organizations that use WhatsApp for customer service, sales, and marketing.

The widespread adoption of WhatsApp means that a significant portion of your target audience is likely already using the app, making it an ideal channel for distributing newsletters.

WhatsApp Newsletter Service is Effective

The effectiveness of WhatsApp newsletters can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Immediate Delivery: WhatsApp messages are delivered instantly to users' phones, ensuring that newsletters reach subscribers without delay.
  2. Higher Engagement Rates: WhatsApp messages generally experience higher engagement rates compared to emails.
  3. Real-Time Feedback: WhatsApp allows businesses to receive immediate feedback from subscribers.
  4. Detailed Analytics: WhatsApp provides insights into message delivery and read rates.
  5. Reduced Spam Issues: Unlike email newsletters, which may end up in spam folders or be filtered out, WhatsApp messages are delivered directly to the chat interface.

Your Email Newsletters Don’t Get Read

Many businesses face challenges with email newsletters, including low open rates and high chances of messages being filtered into spam folders.

WhatsApp newsletters address these issues by providing a more direct and reliable communication channel.

  1. Improved Visibility: WhatsApp messages are less likely to be overlooked or missed compared to emails.
  2. Enhanced Engagement: The conversational nature of WhatsApp encourages higher engagement with the content.
  3. Avoiding Spam Filters: Email newsletters often face the risk of being caught in spam filters, reducing their effectiveness.
  4. Personalized Interaction: WhatsApp newsletters can be more personalized, making the content feel more relevant and engaging.

A WhatsApp Newsletter is Interactive

One of the key advantages of WhatsApp newsletters is their interactivity.

The platform's features allow businesses to create more engaging and interactive newsletters.

Here’s how WhatsApp newsletters can leverage interactivity:

  1. Direct Replies: WhatsApp allows subscribers to reply directly to messages.
  2. Rich Media Content: WhatsApp supports various forms of media, including images, videos, and voice messages.
  3. Polls and Surveys: WhatsApp allows for the integration of interactive elements like polls and surveys within newsletters.
  4. Clickable Links: WhatsApp newsletters can include clickable links that direct subscribers to websites, landing pages, or online stores.
  5. Personalized Content: WhatsApp’s chat-based format allows for personalized messaging.
  6. Instant Updates: WhatsApp allows businesses to send updates and notifications instantly.

Summary table

Feature Description Benefits Use Cases
🌍 WhatsApp's Popularity WhatsApp has over 2 billion active users globally, making it the most popular messaging app. Large user base, ideal for reaching a significant portion of your target audience. Distributing newsletters, customer engagement.
🚀 Effective Newsletter Service WhatsApp newsletters have immediate delivery, higher engagement, real-time feedback, detailed analytics, and reduced spam issues. Ensures timely delivery, increases engagement, provides feedback, and avoids spam filters. Marketing, customer feedback, analytics.
📧 Email Challenges Email newsletters often face low open rates and spam filtering. WhatsApp newsletters avoid these issues, improving visibility and engagement. Replacing email newsletters with WhatsApp.
🔄 Interactive Features WhatsApp allows for direct replies, rich media content, polls, surveys, clickable links, and personalized content. Enhances interaction, engagement, and instant updates. Interactive newsletters, polls, media sharing.

How to Craft Amazing WhatsApp Newsletters in 8 Easy Steps

Creating effective WhatsApp newsletters involves more than just sending messages.

It requires a thoughtful approach to ensure that your newsletters resonate with your audience and achieve their intended goals.

Here are seven key steps to help you craft amazing WhatsApp newsletters:

1. Understand Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial for crafting WhatsApp newsletters that engage and convert.

Start by analyzing your audience's preferences, behaviors, and interests.

Consider factors such as age, location, and past interactions with your brand.

Use this information to tailor your WhatsApp newsletters to meet their needs and expectations.

Segment your audience if necessary, so you can send targeted messages that are relevant to each group.

2. Keep Your Messages Short

WhatsApp is designed for quick, concise communication.

Your WhatsApp newsletters should reflect this by keeping messages brief and to the point.

Avoid lengthy paragraphs and focus on delivering key information quickly.

Use bullet points or numbered lists to make content easily digestible.

Remember, users appreciate brevity and clarity, especially in a messaging app.

3. Show Your Brand’s Personality

Your WhatsApp newsletter is an extension of your brand.

Use it to showcase your brand’s personality and tone.

Whether your brand is casual and fun or professional and serious, ensure that this comes through in your messaging.

A consistent brand voice helps build recognition and fosters a stronger connection with your audience.

Incorporate elements like your brand’s colors and logo to reinforce brand identity.

4. Encourage Interaction

One of the advantages of WhatsApp newsletters is the ability to engage in two-way communication.

Encourage subscribers to interact with your content.

Ask questions, run polls, or request feedback to foster engagement.

Interactive elements make your WhatsApp newsletters more engaging and provide valuable insights into your audience's preferences.

Consider including call-to-actions that prompt responses, such as “Reply with your thoughts” or “Let us know what you think!”

5. Define a Goal and Pick a CTA

Every WhatsApp newsletter should have a clear objective.

Define what you want to achieve with each message, whether it’s driving traffic, increasing sales, or promoting an event.

Based on your goal, choose an appropriate call-to-action (CTA).

Your CTA should be specific and actionable, guiding subscribers on what to do next.

For example, “Click here to shop now” or “RSVP for the event” are clear and direct CTAs that drive engagement.

6. Add Media and Emoji 😉

Incorporate media and emojis to make your WhatsApp newsletters more visually appealing and engaging.

WhatsApp supports various media formats, including images, videos, and voice notes.

Use these elements to enhance your message and capture attention.

Emojis can add a fun and relatable touch, but use them sparingly to avoid overwhelming your audience.

Visual content can make your WhatsApp newsletters stand out and resonate more with subscribers.

7. Personalise as Much as You Can

Personalization is key to making your WhatsApp newsletters more relevant and engaging.

Address subscribers by name and tailor content based on their preferences and past interactions.

Personalized messages feel more relevant and are more likely to capture attention.

Use data and insights to customize your newsletters for individual subscribers.

The more personalized the content, the more effective your WhatsApp newsletters will be in driving engagement.

8. Give Subscribers a Chance to Opt Out

While it’s important to keep subscribers engaged, it’s equally crucial to respect their preferences.

Provide an easy way for subscribers to opt out of your WhatsApp newsletters if they choose to.

Include an opt-out option in every message, such as “Reply STOP to unsubscribe.”

Respecting subscriber preferences helps maintain a positive relationship and ensures compliance with messaging regulations.

An opt-out option also helps you manage your subscriber list more effectively.

Summary table

Step Description Key Points
1. Understand Your Audience Analyze your audience’s preferences, behaviors, and interests. Segment if necessary. Tailor newsletters to meet audience needs and expectations.
2. Keep Your Messages Short Ensure messages are brief, clear, and to the point. Use bullet points or lists. Reflect WhatsApp's design for quick, concise communication.
3. Show Your Brand’s Personality Use the newsletter to showcase your brand’s personality and tone. Build brand recognition and foster a stronger connection.
4. Encourage Interaction Include interactive elements like questions, polls, or feedback requests. Enhance engagement and gain insights into audience preferences.
5. Define a Goal and Pick a CTA Set a clear objective for each message and choose a specific call-to-action (CTA). Drive traffic, increase sales, or promote events with actionable CTAs.
6. Add Media and Emoji Incorporate images, videos, voice notes, and emojis to enhance visual appeal. Capture attention and make newsletters more engaging.
7. Personalize as Much as You Can Address subscribers by name and tailor content to their preferences and past interactions. Improve relevance and engagement with personalized messages.
8. Give Subscribers a Chance to Opt Out Provide an easy opt-out option in every message. Respect preferences and ensure compliance with regulations.

WhatsApp Newsletter Tool

To effectively manage and send WhatsApp newsletters, businesses can use various tools designed to streamline the process.

These tools offer features that can enhance the functionality and effectiveness of your WhatsApp newsletters.

Here are some key aspects to consider when choosing a WhatsApp newsletter tool:

  1. Message Automation: Look for tools that allow you to automate the sending of WhatsApp newsletters. This can save time and ensure that messages are sent consistently and on schedule.
  1. Segmentation: A good tool should enable you to segment your audience based on various criteria. This allows you to send targeted WhatsApp newsletters that are more relevant to each subscriber group.
  1. Analytics and Reporting: Choose a tool that provides detailed analytics and reporting features. This will help you track the performance of your WhatsApp newsletters, including delivery rates, read rates, and engagement metrics.
  1. Personalization: Ensure the tool supports personalization features. Being able to customize messages based on subscriber data can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your WhatsApp newsletters.
  1. Compliance: Select a tool that complies with WhatsApp’s policies and messaging regulations. Compliance is crucial for avoiding issues and ensuring that your newsletters reach your subscribers without any problems.
  1. Integration: Consider tools that integrate with other platforms you use, such as CRM systems or email marketing tools. Integration can streamline your workflow and enhance the overall efficiency of your messaging strategy.

By leveraging the right WhatsApp newsletter tool, businesses can optimize their messaging efforts, improve engagement, and achieve their communication goals more effectively.

A Step-by-Step Process for Sending WhatsApp Newsletters

Sending WhatsApp newsletters involves several steps to ensure that your messages are delivered effectively and engage your audience.

Here’s a step-by-step process to help you get started:

1. Build an Audience

The first step in sending WhatsApp newsletters is to build a subscriber list.

Start by promoting your WhatsApp newsletter through various channels, such as your website, social media, and email.

Encourage people to subscribe by offering incentives, such as exclusive content or discounts.

Make sure to use a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) to prompt users to join your list.

Remember, subscribers must opt-in to receive WhatsApp newsletters, so ensure that you have their explicit consent.

2. Create a Click-to-Chat Link

A click-to-chat link allows users to easily start a conversation with your business on WhatsApp.

You can create a click-to-chat link using WhatsApp’s official URL format.

This link will direct users to a chat with your WhatsApp number, making it simple for them to subscribe to your newsletter.

Place this link prominently on your website and in your promotional materials to encourage new subscribers.

It’s a straightforward way to streamline the subscription process and grow your audience.

3. Set Up a Rule

Setting up rules helps manage your WhatsApp newsletter communications effectively.

Rules can be used to automate certain aspects of your messaging process, such as sending welcome messages or scheduling newsletters.

For example, you might set up a rule to automatically send a welcome message to new subscribers.

This helps ensure consistent communication and saves time.

You can configure these rules within your WhatsApp business account or through a WhatsApp newsletter tool.

4. Why You Need Messaging Templates

Messaging templates are essential for maintaining consistency and professionalism in your WhatsApp newsletters.

Templates allow you to create standardized messages that can be easily reused.

They help ensure that your newsletters follow a consistent format and tone.

Using templates also speeds up the process of creating and sending newsletters.

Make sure to create templates that align with your brand’s voice and provide clear, engaging content.

5. Send Your First Newsletter

With your audience built, click-to-chat link created, rules set, and templates ready, you can now send your first WhatsApp newsletter.

Craft your message carefully, ensuring it is concise and engaging.

Include any relevant media or interactive elements, such as images or links, to enhance the content.

Review your message before sending it to avoid any errors.

Once you’re satisfied, schedule or send your newsletter and monitor its performance.

6. Build a Flow (Optional)

Building a flow involves setting up automated sequences for your WhatsApp newsletters.

Flows can include a series of messages that guide subscribers through a process, such as onboarding or a promotional campaign.

For example, you might create a flow that sends a welcome message, followed by a series of informational messages or offers.

This automation helps manage communications efficiently and provides a structured approach to engaging your audience.

Flows can be particularly useful for nurturing leads or managing ongoing campaigns.

Summary table

Step Description Key Points
1. Build an Audience Promote your WhatsApp newsletter through various channels and offer incentives for subscriptions. Ensure subscribers opt-in. Grow your subscriber list by using compelling CTAs and incentives.
2. Create a Click-to-Chat Link Use WhatsApp’s URL format to create a click-to-chat link that directs users to start a chat with your business. Streamline the subscription process and facilitate easy sign-ups.
3. Set Up a Rule Automate messaging processes by setting up rules, like sending welcome messages or scheduling newsletters. Ensure consistent communication and save time with automated rules.
4. Why You Need Messaging Templates Use standardized messaging templates to maintain consistency and professionalism. Speed up the creation process and ensure a cohesive brand voice.
5. Send Your First Newsletter Craft a concise, engaging message with relevant media or interactive elements. Review and send your newsletter. Create engaging content and monitor performance.
6. Build a Flow (Optional) Set up automated sequences for onboarding or promotional campaigns. Use flows to guide subscribers through processes. Manage communications efficiently and provide structured engagement.

The Bottom Line: WhatsApp Newsletters Are the Future

WhatsApp newsletters represent a significant shift in how businesses communicate with their audiences.

Their direct, personal nature and high engagement rates make them an effective tool for modern marketing.

As more businesses recognize the benefits of WhatsApp newsletters, their use is expected to grow.

Embracing this medium can give your business a competitive edge and improve customer engagement.

With the right strategies and tools, WhatsApp newsletters can become a powerful component of your communication strategy.


What is a WhatsApp newsletter?

A WhatsApp newsletter is a communication sent through WhatsApp to subscribers.

It includes updates, promotions, and relevant information about a business.

Unlike traditional email newsletters, WhatsApp newsletters are sent as direct messages within the WhatsApp app.

Why are WhatsApp newsletters effective?

WhatsApp newsletters are effective due to their high engagement rates and direct delivery.

Messages are received on subscribers' phones, leading to higher read rates compared to emails.

The interactive nature of WhatsApp allows for more personalized and immediate communication.

How do I create a WhatsApp newsletter?

To create a WhatsApp newsletter, start by building a subscriber list through opt-in methods.

Use click-to-chat links to facilitate easy subscriptions.

Craft concise and engaging messages, incorporating media and interactive elements.

Set up messaging templates for consistency and efficiency.

Send your newsletter and monitor its performance to refine your approach.

What tools do I need to send WhatsApp newsletters?

You need a WhatsApp Business account to send newsletters.

Additional tools that can enhance your process include WhatsApp newsletter software for automation, segmentation, and analytics.

These tools help manage your communications more effectively and track performance metrics.

How can I grow my WhatsApp newsletter audience?

To grow your audience, promote your WhatsApp newsletter through your website, social media, and email.

Offer incentives for subscribing, such as exclusive content or discounts.

Use clear CTAs to encourage sign-ups and ensure that you provide a seamless subscription process.

How do I make my WhatsApp newsletters interactive?

Make your WhatsApp newsletters interactive by incorporating features like clickable links, polls, and surveys.

Encourage subscribers to reply or engage with the content.

Use rich media, such as images and videos, to enhance engagement.

Personalize messages and include interactive elements that prompt responses or actions.